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Frequently asked questions regarding work as a consultant nurse

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions plus answers. Don't hesitate to contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.

How much do nurses who work within the staffing field get paid?

Salaries for temporary nurses vary just like salaries between different regular positions do for nurses. The level of education is mainly what determines the level of salary but the scope of the job, its duration and location also factor. Contact us for specific examples of what is applicable for your level of training/education. By clicking on the link you can read more about salaries for nurses who work for Agila.

How often do you pay salaries to consultaznt nurses?

We pay our employed nurses twice a month.

What specialist training do you offer for consultant?

The locum nurses who work for us on a regular basis are offered an individual training program based on the wishes and needs of the nurses.

How long has Agila been in business?

Agila launched its business in 2008 under the name Vårdassistans. We changed the name to Agila in 2016. However, the business has not changed; since its inception it has involved healthcare staffing.

Within which specialist areas do you have jobs for consultant nurses?

We offer jobs within all specialist fields with extra emphasis on midwives, general medicine, psychiatry, radiology, ophthalmology, cardiology and internal medicine. Sign up here for more informaton.

Can you provide references?

Absolutely! Speaking with a colleague who can explain what it is like to work as a locum nurse, but also about Agila as employer, is an ideal way to understand the industry and how we work.

How can I find out what jobs are available for consultant nurses?

When you have an account on our homepage you can easily log in as a nurse and search for jobs through our database. You will find the jobs that we can offer our consultant nurses at any given time. When we receive a request from one of our clients, these jobs are usually filled immediately before they are posted on our homepage. That is why it is always a good idea to keep in constant touch with your personal contact person so that he or she is up to date on your requests regarding upcoming jobs for consultant nurses.

What documentation do you need to get jobs from you?

Before you are booked for an assignment, we must have received the following:
  • Name and contact information for three references
  • Copy of valid identification
  • Copy of nursing certificate
  • Copy of certificate of specialisation (if applicable)
  • In certain cases, information from criminal records register

Why should you work as a consultant nurse?

When we have done surveys among our employed nurses we have asked that very same question. It turned out that the most attractive aspect of this type of employment is flexibility and the freedom to be able to decide your own work hours and at the same time lower your administrative workload and work more clinically. The higher pay, appreciation from the employer and varying work duties were also high on the list of factors.

Why should you work as a consultant nurse through Agila?

We are the nurse staffing agency that works a little harder than all the others. We always give our clients and employees "that little extra". We are not satisfied simply if you as an employed staffing nurse are satisfied; we want to do better than that. We want to be the obvious choice for you as a consultant nurse and our efforts to achieve this is what makes the big difference!

How do you check the nurses who work for you?

Before every job, we always check the relevant nurse's record with the Swedish Board of Social Welfare and the HSAN register, and we gather copies of his or her nursing certification and approved personal ID documentation. We also always contact the three references given.

Do you work with student nurses?

Currently we do not offer temporary positions for student nurses.

How long are the jobs you offer?

The duration of locum nurse jobs varies. We can offer everything from single shifts to jobs that last several years.

Do I arrange my travel and accommodation myself when accepting a job in another location?

We always help you to find the best possible travel arrangements and accommodation whenever you as a staffing nurse will be working in another location.

Why did you change your name from Vårdassistans to Agila?

One of the reasons why we changed the name is that we could expand geographically under the same company name. Besides, the name Agila is easier to pronounce and is associated with words like flexible, adaptable and responsive, which are in line with our values.

Wondering what we can do for you? Enter your info below and we will contact you.

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