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What does a psychologist consultant earn in salary 2022?

Psychologists working for Agila psychologist staffing always have a high, competitive salary. The difference from the salary that is usually offered in a traditional permanent employment is often significantly higher. But even as a psychologist consultant, the salary varies from assignment to assignment, depending on, among other things, the assignment's geographical location, scope and length. Of course, your experience and competence also affect the salary you can receive as a psychologist consultant.

On this content page, we have compiled statistics on the salaries of psychologists. The statistics are for 2020 and unfortunately do not include salaries for psychologists who work for staffing companies as there are no such statistics. If you want to know more about what salary we can offer you as a psychologist consultant, you are warmly welcome to contact us.

As a psychologist consultant, you always earn better pay than the salaries presented in these statistics

Salaries for psychological consultants are individual

When you work as a psychologist at Agila, you always receive an individually set salary. When setting salaries, we start from your skills, level of education, experience and flexibility, among other things. If you have great flexibility you have greater opportunities to get a high salary, for example if you are willing to travel to another part of the country or work uncomfortable working hours.

What is the starting salary for a psychologist?

The starting salary for psychologists is between SEK 36,000 and SEK 39,000 a month.

What does a psychologist earn in salary?

What a psychologist earns varies greatly and depends largely on where you work. If you look at an average for all psychologists in Sweden, the average salary is SEK 42,200. Women have a higher average salary of SEK 42,700 compared with men who have an average salary of SEK 40,900.

What does a child psychologist earn?

The average salary for a child psychologist in 2020 was SEK 42,700 for women and SEK 40,900 for men.

Salaries for psychologists based on age category

The table below presents average salaries for psychologists in the public sector. Salaries are before tax and have been recalculated to full-time.

Age Average
18-24 30 600 kr
25-34 37 100 kr
35-44 41 900 kr
45-54 44 400 kr
55-64 46 100 kr
65-66 47 900 kr
Average 41 700 kr

How do psychologist salaries differ across the country?

There are regional wage differences for psychologists. The lowest earners are psychologists who work in Stockholm, while the higher salaries are obtained in the northern parts of the country. The table below shows average wages in the public sector. Salaries are average salaries that have been recalculated to full-time.

Region Average Woman Man
Central Norrland 42 300 kr 42 100 kr 42 900 kr
Northern Central Sweden 42 400 kr 42 300 kr 42 700 kr
Kingdom 41 700 kr 41 700 kr 41 600 kr
Smaland w. island 41 700 kr 41 900 kr 41 200 kr
Stockholm 41 300 kr 41 200 kr 41 700 kr
Southern Sweden 41 600 kr 41 600 kr 41 500 kr
West Sweden 41 800 kr 41 800 kr 41 700 kr
East middle Sweden 41,600 kr 41,700 kr 41,000 kr
Above Norther Sweden 41 500 kr 41 500 kr 41 700 kr

Who earns the best and worst as a psychologist?

The highest monthly salary that a psychologist received in 2020 was SEK 52,100. It was a woman in the private sector. The person who received the lowest salary was a woman in the county council who had a salary of SEK 30,000.

What is the living wage of psychologists?

Life pay is a measure of the value of an education. It is a measure of the total salary earned during a working life (from 19 years to 85 years) and includes tax and pension. The total living wage can then be compared with the wage calculated for a person who starts gainful employment immediately after completing upper secondary education. The living wage for a psychologist is estimated at SEK 19,637,000, which can be compared with SEK 20,978,000, which is the average for graduates. A person who begins his psychology education immediately after high school has earned his education at the age of 39.

Detailed figures - In the larger table below, it can be read which salary level was the average based on age, gender and sector. Here, age, somewhat simplified, can also be seen as a measure of work experience.

Age Total, public sector Total, private sector Woman, private public sector Woman, private sector Man, public sector Man, private sector
18-24 SEK 30,600 ... SEK 30,400 ... SEK 31,500 ...
25-34 37 100 kr SEK 39,500 37 200 kr SEK 39,400 36 700 kr ...
35-44 41 900 kr 45 100 kr SEK 42,000 45 400 kr 41 700 kr ....
45-54 44 400 kr ... 44 300 kr SEK 4,800 44 600 kr ...
55-64 46 100 kr 52 100 kr 46 300 kr ... 45 800 kr ...
65-66 SEK 47,900 ... 47 800 kr ... SEK 47,900 ...
Average 41 700 kr 43 500 kr 41 700 kr 45 400 kr 41 600 kr SEK 39,700

Salary as an employed psychologist or invoicing via own company

As a psychology consultant, you choose whether you want to work as an employee at Agila or if you want to invoice us through your own company. No matter what you choose, you always have a competitive compensation. As an employee of Agila, you have the same security as when employed directly with a care provider. Of course, insurance and pension solutions are included for you as an employee with us. Your salary is paid twice a month. Many psychologist consultants also run their own clinics and for these psychologists it is often an excellent opportunity to expand their company's operations and income. If you are considering starting your own company, Agila's partner EKTA. is happy to help you get started with everything at a low cost. Contact us for more information about this.

Investigation or treatment

Among other things, Agila has assignments for you who want to work with neuropsychiatric investigations. In these assignments, you often have the opportunity to perform observation and testing on site at the client, but investigation and assessment can often be performed at any location. For this type of assignment, it is common for you to receive a fixed salary per assignment, which is usually a much-appreciated arrangement for psychologist consultants. In the case of customary staffing assignments where you work according to specific working hours, for example with reception work, you as a psychologist consultant have an hourly wage. Regardless of the type of assignment you have, as a psychologist consultant at Agila, you should always have a salary that makes you satisfied based on the work you perform.

High salary as a psychologist consultant enables freedom

Being a staffing psychologist at Agila opens up opportunities that you may not be able to get through a traditional full-time job. Maybe you want to work a little less and have more time with the family? Or maybe you want to work intensively for a period and save up for your dream trip? Thanks to the fact that Agila always offers our psychologists a high and competitive salary, you have the opportunity to decide for yourself about your work situation and get a freedom in a completely different way.

What salary can I get as a psychologist consultant through Agila?

Do you want to know what salary you can get as a psychologist consultant if you take assignments as a psychologist consultant via Agila? Contact us directly! You are welcome to give us a signal on 08-410 725 00 or email we are happy to tell you more about what salary and salary and benefits we can offer you based on your level of education, experience and flexibility. Here you can see vacancies as a psychologist .

Sources of statistics on this page are:

  • SCB
  • SACO
  • Ratsit

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