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Salary for doctors in Norway

Salaries for hired doctors in Norway

Have you considered taking on an assignment as a hired doctor in Norway? It can be both meritorious and developing. But it is also profitable as the salary as locum physician in Norway is very competitive. We at Agila believe in the idea that a job well done should be rewarded. If you choose to work as a hired doctor in Norway through us, you can not only look forward to a good salary. We also want youa to feel motivated and committed by offering several other benefits such as ongoing skills development and the opportunity for favorable pension savings and health insurance.

Norway does not have the same principle of openness as Sweden, which is why it is more difficult to obtain salary levels for doctors in Norway. On this page, we have collected the data we have found regarding medical salaries in Norway. However, it is important to remember that the salaries presented here apply to doctors who are employed in Norway.

Relay doctors who work through us in Norway always have significantly higher salaries!

The salary for relay doctors in Norway is individual

If you choose to work as a doctor for Agila in Norway, you will always receive a salary that is set individually based on your profile, we consider factors such as education, work experience and competence. As a locum physician in Norway, you also have the opportunity to be extra flexible when it comes to working hours and location, which also affects your total compensation .

What does a doctor in Norway earn?

In Sweden, the average salary for specialist doctors is SEK 79,200 before tax. The corresponding figure for a doctor who has his employment in Norway is as much as SEK 86,350. Wages differ very much between the big cities and sparsely populated areas. Read more about salary for doctors in Sweden here. It is common for doctors to commute between Sweden and Norway to get a lower tax burden. They first work in Sweden until they reach the limit for state income tax, which is SEK 523,000 per year, salary that exceeds that amount is taxed with an additional 20%.

Below are the salary levels for specialist doctors who serve in the public sector in Sweden. The salary is the average salary before tax, converted to full-time:

Age Salary
18-24 years 70 000 kr
25-34 years 75 200 kr
35-44 years 33 500 kr
45-54 years 82 700 kr
55-64 years 87 200 kr
65-66 years 89 700 kr
Average 81 400 kr

Salary as an employed doctor or invoice from own company

When you start working as a relay doctor at Agila, there are two ways to get your reimbursement. Either you can be employed by us and let us handle the salary payment. Or you can invoice us through your own company. Working as an employed relay doctor for Agila in Norway is very simple. We take care of everything that has to do with tax payments and reporting to the Swedish Tax Agency. As an employed doctor, you receive a salary twice a month, which is something that many of our locum doctors in Norway appreciate. In addition to the salary, you will be offered to take out a favorable health insurance that covers up to 90 percent of your income in the event that you are on sick leave. You also get the opportunity to take out a favorable pension savings via Länsförsäkringar.

The second option if you want to work as a relay doctor in Norway is to withdraw your salary via your own company and invoice us. Do not have a business already but have been thinking about it? If so, we are happy to help you get started. For many years, we have worked closely with an established accounting firm, which can assist with both accounting and administration before and during your assignments. They are used to working with relay doctors in Norway and know which are the best options for you who want to take out a salary through your own company. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions about how it works with invoicing through your own company. Regardless of whether you work as a salaried doctor or through your own company, you are offered to take part in ongoing skills development through, among other things, exciting lectures and seminars.

The salary for hired doctors in Norway is just one of several benefits

Good salary is important and we know that it is part of the motivation behind taking a job as a relay doctor in Norway. But many people think that it is at least as important to be able to get exciting assignments through a staffing company that you can trust. Agila has been working with physician staffing since 2008 and knows what it takes for our doctors to enjoy their assignments. When you start working through us, you always get a personal contact person. You have ongoing contact before, during and after your assignments in Norway. It creates security and helps you find the assignments that suit you best. Working as a doctor in Norway through Agila also means great freedom to decide for yourself about your work situation. Some choose to take consulting assignments on an ongoing basis while others prefer to work from time to time. You choose.

No matter how you want to work, an assignment through Agila means many benefits for you as a doctor:

  • Competitive salary with individual salary setting
  • Good working conditions
  • Flexibility to choose location and scope
  • Tasks that vary
  • A client who cares
  • Ongoing feedback and close communication with your personal contact person
  • Opportunity for favorable pension savings and health insurance
  • Skills development through seminars and lectures

What salary do I get as a doctor in Norway with Agila?

Do you want to know today what salary you can get as a doctor in Norway? Send an expression of interest and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You are welcome to call us at +468-410 725 00 or email at if you prefer. We look forward to talking with you!

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