Here at Agila, we often receive the same questions from different people. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers. If you’re still unsure about something, please feel free to call us directly. Clarity and understanding are something we’re passionate about.
What does it cost to hire occupational therapists & physiotherapists from Agila?
Prices for hiring an occupational therapist/physiotherapist vary depending on the level of qualification, geographical location, and what skills and expertise are required for the assignment in question. Please contact us directly and we’ll be happy to quote on
hiring occupational therapists/physiotherapists.
Do you have a public sector procurement agreement in place?
Agila has undergone the official public procurement process with many municipal and regional authorities in Sweden, and has framework agreements in place for providing occupational
therapists/physiotherapists. Agila also has several framework agreements with private providers.
In what fields does Agila provide occupational therapists & physiotherapists?
We provide locum occupational therapists & physiotherapists for municipal home healthcare, rehab, elderly and disability care, primary care rehab under both regional and private management. We also provide staff in areas such as rehab or habilitation in inpatient care.
How do you quality assure the occupational therapists/physiotherapists you provide?
Ahead of placing someone on an assignment, we always hold at least two personal interviews with the occupational therapist/physiotherapist in question. We also check the occupational therapist/physiotherapist with the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), any reports to the Health and Social Care Inspectorate (IVO), and require copies of work and official ID. We always contact at least three relevant reference people, who are interviewed in depth. Controls with Socialstyrelsen and IVO are also conducted on an ongoing basis during the contract period.
What is your quality management system?
Agila has a proprietary quality management system certified to ISO 9001.
Are you environmentally certified?
Yes we hold ISO 14001 environmental certification.
How long has Agila been operating?
Agila started in 2008 under the name Vårdassistans, and changed its name to Agila in 2016. Agila was founded for the purpose of serving society. We do this by finding and placing skills and expertise where they are most needed. After all, this is something that benefits everyone. This purpose is still firmly established in the company. Today Agila works with physicians, nurses, social workers and teachers, and also provides staff for
occupational therapy/physiotherapy.
Why did you change names from Vårdassistans to Agila?
One reason was to enable geographical expansion under the same company name. Also, the name Agila is easy to say and readily associates with the word ‘agile’, as well as related words like flexible, adaptable, receptive and mobile – all words that fit in well with our values.
Can you provide testimonials?
Yes we can. Talking to an industry colleague with experience of hiring occupational therapists/physiotherapists is an excellent way of finding out about Agila and understanding the sector we work in. Please get in touch for contact details of relevant references.